Pro voice over recording for radio tv commercials, telephone IVR voicemail systems, web internet flash narration, business presentations powerpoint, promos and movie trailers, auto attendant telephone systems.
Need a voice for your recording or media production?
Find over 2,000 professional voiceover talents
right here who can voice your job.
Pro voice over recording for radio tv commercials, telephone IVR voicemail systems, web internet flash narration, business presentations powerpoint, promos and movie trailers, auto attendant telephone systems.

A small sampling of some of the 2,000+ voice Talents who can voice your script.
All Talents can voice scripts in all categories. Demos are in Talents main areas of specialty.

Click HERE to SEARCH for voices or use the links below to browse some of our frequently used Voices.

Review demo reels of the of the 2,000 + professional voices available who can add life and character to your script.

Standard Female Talents
Talent #
 4350     Request Quote or Book Talent
 4352     Request Quote or Book Talent
 4346       Request Quote or Book Talent
 4322       Request Quote or Book Talent
 4317       Request Quote or Book Talent
*4356       Request Quote or Book Talent
 4345         Request Quote or Book Talent
*4275   Request Quote or Book Talent
 4274       Request Quote or Book Talent
 4299           Request Quote or Book Talent
 4347         Request Quote or Book Talent
*4271   Request Quote or Book Talent
 4321         Request Quote or Book Talent
 4334 Request Quote or Book Talent
 4315     Request Quote or Book Talent
 4264     Request Quote or Book Talent
 4359       Request Quote or Book Talent
 4228     Request Quote or Book Talent
Page 3 of 3 1   2   3  
*Preferred Talents are marked with Asterisk.
If you would like to use one of these voices, great!
Just list their Talent ID number on your project information submission form
If you did not hear the voice you would like to use, no problem.
Just request more auditions from our over 2,000 professional voice over talents. We have voices of every shape and size to fit any project.
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A portion of the proceeds from jobs booked with Talents support the fight against cancer. By finding voiceover Talent here, you are helping in the fight.
Read more about it here.

Your source for web based commercials, narration, flash presentations, power point training, and more.
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