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Voiceover Industry Terms -
Video Productions
Professional Video production, or videography, is the art and service of producing a finished video product to a customer's requirement and consumption.
The video production industry creates videos for a wide range of demands, from safety videos for use in corporate environments to medical training videos for use in teaching. An example of a more everyday application is the wedding video.
A video production company takes a brief, produces a script, liaises with the customer and puts a production team together. This often includes experts ranging from camera staff to make-up artists. The film is shot and initial footage is put on broadcast quality tapes, edited and presented to the customer in a draft - or "guide" - form. Sound tracks, visual effects etc. are added in and the final video is presented to the customer.
With the increasing use of video in a wide range of commercial and government functions, and the increased access modern customers have to viewing video on a range of new devices, video production is a fast growing industry. |
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