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Many voice over actors love their work and have a good time performing the work. They also have a good time making fun of themselves and they can laugh at themselves. Hal Douglas is a voice actor who has lent his deep voice to many movie trailers and television commercials. He is know for many of the classic movie trailers. Like many voice actors, he has a good time making fun of himself. Watch this clip below from the movie trailer for the movie Comedian starring Jerry Seinfeld.
As one of the leading voiceover actors in the business, Rodney Saulsberry has voiced thousands of trailers, promos and commercials. If that was not enough, he has also written two of the best books on the subject of voiceover, Step Up to the Mike and You Can Bank on Your Voice. Check out one of his training tips covering clear diction and pronunciation as heard in this training exercise.
A portion of the proceeds from jobs booked with Talents support the fight
against cancer. By finding voiceover Talent here, you are helping in the fight. Read more about it here.
Your source for web based commercials, narration, flash presentations, power point training, and more.
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