The First Voice a Caller to Your Business Will Hear |
Telephone voicemail messages influence your callers’ impression of your entire organization. In most cases, the first contact and first voice any caller to your company will hear is the voice on your telephone messages. You want to ensure that this voice projects a professional business image for your organization.
Avoid the hassles of trying to find the perfect professional voice that matches your business and then having to find and arrange studio recording sessions. Why risk working with an unknown voice?
Deal directly with the professionals. Voices On Call is the expert partner you need to ensure you will have the perfect voice with the right sound, read style, and pacing. All projects are recorded in the unique audio file formats and specifications required by your phone system. As a result, your customers receive an image of your business’ efficiency and professionalism. Click to Choose Voices
Select one of our preferred phone system voices or choose from our talent roster of more than 2,000 voiceover professionals. You’ll work directly with our experienced voice casting agents, production managers, and audio engineers. We do all the work for you including managing the voice recording, studio sessions, and full production in accordance with your requirements.
You provide the message scripts or, if you like, we can write your scripts for you. From 1 to 1,000 voicemail messages, no job is too large or too small. Voicemail messages are delivered in any of the global phone system standard file formats and in your choice of numerous languages.
Later on, when you require new, updated, or additional voice mail messages, just let us know and we will pick up where we left off.
With more than two decades of experience recording phone voicemail systems of all sizes, Voices On Call will give you the professionalism you want.
To get your telephone prompt project started, let us know by doing one of the following:
• Choose one of our top phone system voices (a few are listed below) for your project, and then submit your script and project details.
• Search our talent pool here online for the perfect voice for your project. Once you hear a voice you would like to use, submit your project details and script to us. [Search for Voices]
• Or have us recommend the best voice artists for you. Just submit your script, or draft script, along with your project details and description of the type and sound of voice you would like to use. We will go through our talent roster and find the best voice choices for your review. [Click to Submit Your Project]
Voiceover for Connecticut.
Connecticut has idyllic living conditions for workers and close proximity to New York City, southwestern Connecticut boomed in the latter part of the 20th century, as major Fortune 500 corporations (including defense contractors) moved into the state.
Although somewhat small in size, Connecticut is incredibly large in stature. The "Constitution State" was a significant contributor to the birth of America, as it stood brave, straight and tall during the Revolutionary War and the country's fight for freedom.
For those seeking an outdoor adventure, or an historic journey through colonial times, the charming and graceful State of Connecticut has it all.
Major Cities: Andover, Ansonia , Beacon Falls , Berlin , Bethlehem , Bloomfield , Bloomfield , Branford , Bridgeport , Bristol , Central Connecticut , Chester , Chester , Clinton , Connecticut River Valley & Shoreline , Danbury , Darien , Darien , Deep River , Derby , East Hartford , Eastern Connecticut , Essex , Fairfield , Farmington , Franklin , Georgetown , Glastonbury , Glastonbury , Glastonbury , Greater Valley , Greenwich , Groton , Guilford , Haddam , Hamden , Hartford , Hartford , Hartford , Hartford , Hartford , Hebron , Housatonic Valley , Killingworth , Lebanon , Litchfield , Litchfield Hills , Manchester , Manchester , Meriden , Meriden , Middletown , Middletown, Milford , Mystic , Mystic, Mystic -, Naugatuck Valley, Naugatuck Valley, New Hartford , New Haven , New Haven , New Haven , New Haven, New Milford , New Milford , Newington , Newington , Newtown, North Central Connecticut , Northeast Connecticut's Quiet Corner, North Haven , Norwalk , Norwich , Old Saybrook , Oxford , Portland , Quinnipiac , Ridgefield , Seymour , Shelton , Simsbury , Somers , South Windsor , Southbury , Southeastern Connecticut, Southington , Southwestern Area, Stafford , Stamford , Suffield , Trumbull , Wallingford, Washington , Waterbury , Waterbury , West Hartford , West Haven, Weston, Westport , Westport , Willington , Wilton, Windham , Windsor , Windsor Locks , Woodstock